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Senin, 24 Maret 2008


The children of today are surrounded by technology and entertainment, such as television, internet, music, and video games. Music is one of media that has a big influence on children. It's just like two edges of coin. Music has many good effects on children. The first is listening skill is being developed and improved. We can hear the children who sing a song fluently. It shows that their listening skill is developing and their memory is being skill as well. The second is classical music affects the growth of IQ and EQ. It is said that music, especially classical music affects the growth of IQ and EQ of children. The third is gaining confidence. Singing their favorite song will help the children to gain confidence. They will proud of themselves that they can sing. Besides good effects, music also has negative effects on children. The first is trying to act out the song's lyrics. Lyrics are highly suggestive which can cause children to act out it. If the songs suggested kissing, hugging, or even shooting, they might just do that. The second is emulating singer's style. We can see how influential singers are just by looking the children, their dress, and their hair just like their idols.

Minggu, 23 Maret 2008


  • Why use word processor?

These days most teachers and learners are familiar with the basic functions of a word processing program. Both teachers and learners know how to create, save and store documents. Teachers can use a word processing program to prepare, create, and share materials. Learners can use a word processing program to practice writing skills, and grammar.

  • Word processors for teachers: creating materials

Teachers can work with word processor for material creation. When teachers want to incorporate images into worksheet, they can use click "Insert" menu and select "Picture". The teachers can also create forms, use track changes and use marking.

  • Word processing activities for learners

Learners can use word processor for creative writing. They can use thesaurus tools to check the synonyms of the words. A word processor can also be tools for introducing or practicing language, dictation, noticing activities, collaborative writing activity, and presenting work.

Typing skills play a large part in word processors. The teachers do not put too much pressure on learners to perform too quickly and should not expect great success if learners are not used to doing activities from computer.




Main Characters:

1. Faustus: a brilliant scholar from Germany

2. Mephastophilis: a devil

3. Lucifer: the prince of devil

4. The scholars: Faustus's colleagues


Doctor Faustus felt dissatisfied with the knowledge that he had mastered—logic, medicine, law and religion. He wanted to learn magic, and then he summoned mephatophilis. Mephatophilis warned about the horrors of hell but Faustus ignored it. Faustus told the devil to return to Lucifer with an offer of Faustus' soul in exchange for twenty four years. Lucifer accepted Faustus' offer. With his new power, Faustus began to travel. He went to the pope's court in Rome, court of Europe, court of Germany, until court of the duke of vanholt. As the twenty four years of his deal with Lucifer came closer, Faustus felt afraid. On the final night before twenty four years, Faustus was scare. At midnight, a host of devils appeared and carried his soul to hell. In the morning, the scholars found Faustus body and decided to hold funeral for him.

Jumat, 14 Maret 2008

Technology in the Classroom

· Technology in language learning

Technology in language learning is becoming important. The reasons are internet is becoming increasingly available to learners, younger learners are growing up with technology, English is being used in technologically mediated context, and internet gives us authentic material.

· Attitudes to technology

Negative attitudes teachers toward technology are usually a lack of confidence, a lack of facilities, and a lack of training, inability to see the benefit of using technology. Those problems can be solved. For example when the computer is always being used, teacher should make a timetable.

· Implementing ICT in the classroom

Many varieties of EFL teaching contents and teacher's access to computer can use. For example websites, blog, internet, based project work, and email account. If learners have very low IT experience and skills, teachers need to find out their IT's skills through questioner for example, then start using the simplest technology.

· Skills and equipment for getting started

The basic skills teachers need to have are how to use Microsoft word, email and how to access internet. The essential equipment to start to implement technology are computer, internet connection, a printer, headset, and basic software.



Leontes: King of Sicilia

Hermione: Leontes' wife

Mamilous: Leontes' son

Polixenes: King of Bohemia and Leontes' childhood friend

Florizel: Polixenes' son

Perdita: daughter to Leontes and Hermione

Antigous: Sicilian Lord

Paulina: Aantigous' wife

Winter's tale

Leontes beg Polixenes to extend his visit to Sicilia. Polixenes agreed to stay little longer after Leontes' pregnant wife. Leontes thought that they made affair and he threw her to the prison. At Hermione' trial, the Oracle said that she was not guilty. He immediately received word that his son, Mamilous has died of grief. Hermione fainted and died. Leontes lamented his poor judgment then he sent Antigous to find his daughter that has carried away by Paulina. Hermione appeared in Antigous' dream and told him a daughter' name, Perdita. Shortly Antigous killed by a bear and Perdita was rescued and raised by a shepherd. Years passed, Florizel, Polixenes' son wanted to get married with Perdita but Polixenes did not know that Perdita's father was Leontes. At last Leontes knew that Perdita was his daughter. The kings were reconciled and both approved of Florizel and Perdita's wife.



Beowulf : the protagonist epic

King Hrothgar : king of the Danes

Grendel : a demon

Hygelac : Beowulf's uncle

Hygd : Hygelac's wife

Wiglaf : a young kinsman


King Hrothgar of Denmark enjoyed a prosperous reign. The noise angered Grendel,a demon who lived in swampland of Hrothgar's kingdom. Grendel terrorized and killed the Danes. Beowulf offered to fight grendel and king of Hrothgar accepted it. The treasure was in return. Beowulf fought grendel and killed him. Grendel's mother was angry and she revenged for her son's death. Again Beowulf fought with grendel's mother and killed her with a sword. Beowulf gave his treasure to the king and queen of Geats, Hygelac and Hygd. In time Hygelac was killed in a war against Shylfings. And after Hygelac's son died, Beowulf ascended to the throne of the Geats. When Beowulf was old, a thief bothered mound where a dragon lived guarding the treasure. The dragon emerged and destroyed the Geats. Beowulf fought and killed the dragon with aid of Wiglaf. But Beowulf died too because the dragon bit his neck.

Senin, 10 Maret 2008


Hamlet is a tragedy by William Shakespeare. The play is set in Denmark. King of Denmark, Hamlet’s father is dead and changed by his brother, Claudius. Soon after the funeral, Claudius marries his brother's widow, Queen Gertrude. The king's ghost appears and tell Hamlet that he was murdered by Claudius. The Ghost asks his son to revenge his death. Hamlet felt angry. Polonius, the Lord Chamberlain, forbids his daughter, Ophelia, to see Hamlet, in part believing that that Hamlet's unbalanced state of mind is the result of repressed love. Spied on by Polonius and Claudius, Ophelia returns Hamlet's love letters and is violently rejected by him. A company of travelling players arrives at the Danish Court. Hamlet asks them to perform a play, The Murder of Gonzago, hoping that its plot, which closely echoes what the Ghost has told him of his own murder, will force Claudius to betray his guilt. Hamlet's suspicions are confirmed. After the play, Hamlet is summoned to his mother's chamber, where he reviles her for her hasty marriage and accidentally kills Polonius, whom he supposed was Claudius, hiding behind a curtain. Claudius sends Hamlet to England, planning to have him murdered. Laertes, Polonius' son, returns to Denmark from France demanding revenge for his father's death. Ophelia, maddened by grief, drowns herself. Hamlet returns from England and confronts Laertes and Claudius at Ophelia's funeral. Claudius plots with Laertes to kill Hamlet in a fencing match in which Laertes will have a poisoned sword. The plot miscarries and Laertes dies. Gertrude drinks from a poisoned cup intended for Hamlet and dies. Hamlet, wounded by the poisoned sword, kills Claudius before he, too, dies

Selasa, 04 Maret 2008

teaching aids

A teaching aid is resources and tools used by teacher. It can help the learners to improve their language skills, and approve a fact. There are many kinds of aids, such as brochures, posters, calendar, an alphabet chart, an alphabet book etc. poster is a large notice that is displayed in public place usually with pictures to attract attention to the content. An alphabet book is placed in many pages that lists and illustrates all alphabets. The alphabet chart is placed in one page that lists all alphabets


Getting a good score requires a good way of studying. If somebody failed in the test, it might be something wrong in the way his or her study.

  • First thing you need to do is know your teacher like better. Most of them like you to come on time. If you are late, they will send you out of class. Or maybe they like a simple chat before starting class. The fastest way to know your teacher is ask seniors because they have already known.
  • The second is speak up when the discussion starts, because it can set up your self esteem, confidence, and your courage. Your teacher may give you extra mark.
  • The third is choose a good where you can see the blackboard or teacher without something that prevent you to see it. The last is don't try to play hooky unless you want a bad score. Playing hooky is bad because it can lose your credits.

Minggu, 02 Maret 2008

Summary of British Literature

British Literature is literature from United Kingdom. It has eight time periodsthere are Anglo-Saxon Period, Medieval Period (middle englilsh period), Renaissance, Neoclassical/Restoration, Romanticsm, Victorian, Modern/Post Modern, and Contemporary. Anglo-Saxon period comes about in 449-1066. This period is about expressing religious faith and give moral instruction through literature, admiration of heroic warriors who prevail in battle, and strong belief in fate. The types of literature are oral tradition of literature, poetry dominant, unique verse form, like alliteration, four beat rhythms, and caesura. Beowulf was one of the literatures at that time and the oldest surviving English poem although the author is unknown. It is written in Anglo-Saxon (old English). Beowulf is the longest surviving poem; it consists of over 3000 lines. The Anglo-Saxon word-element Beo means bright or noble and the word-element wulf means surprise "wolf." So Beowulf means "bright wolf" or "noble wolf" -- both of which apply to our hero. Beowulf is an epic poem told in historical perspective, a story of epic events and of great people of a heroic past

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